Friday, June 12, 2009

A New View, A New Concept

It is difficult to accept that inner, unseen influences have more of an impact and role in our life than outer influences. Yet, Cayce’s discourses affirm over and over that the unseen forces are more powerful than the seen.

It is difficult to accept that outer events and relationships begin within, and are only a result, a manifestation of inner dynamics, of inner forces. Yet, Cayce’s readings affirm over and over that life events and relationships begin in the spirit (the motivating force), move into the deeper mind (forming of thoughts), and only then manifest in the outer physical life. In fact, Cayce says that nothing occurs in our physical life that was not first foreshadowed in our dream life!

From the perspective of our material self, outer life appears to feed inner life. But from Cayce’s deep attunement to the Infinite Consciousness, it is the other way around. Our deep inner life feeds our outer life. This why he often said to “set your heart and mind,” to “set an ideal first.” It was because these inner dynamics are magnetic forces that attract people and events in our outer life.

Once we accept this concept, even tentatively, then we can see how important meditation and dreams are. They help us get in touch with the inner influences that are shaping our lives and relationships.

This arrangement is true because of a oneness that we don’t often see. To us life appears to be a multifarious array of people and activities. Everyone appears to be separate individuals. Every event appears to be different from another. Life is a “manyness,” not a oneness. Yet, from Cayce’s deep attunement, all these seemingly separate minds are connected at a deep level in one, infinite, collective consciousness. Thoughts of one affected another. Seemingly new events flowed from a pattern. Though it appears new when our little boat turns at that next bend in the river of life to see what's new, a bird high above of the river of life saw where we were going long before we got to the bend. This bird is like our higher mind, which can rise above the daily activity and people on our river. This level of our consciousness can see as we cannot. And past experiences that occurred far beyond the last visible bend in the flow of this life, are knowable. Cayce could read the book of our soul life as if it was happening now, even if it were in Atlantis or Lemuria. And those experiences are influencing us today, in this life, in these relationships.

As Jesus taught, “the spirit of truth, the comforter, will bring all things to your remembrance.” This inner resource is available to us through meditation and dreams.

Approaching daily life and relationships with a sense of how these outer dynamics are influenced by inner, unseen forces brings enlightenment and creative power to us. We become aware of the motivating influences behind our actions and reactions. We become aware of patterns in our way of thinking that shape our views, and the views of others. Add to this the power of meditation and prayer to change patterns and adjust motivations, and you and I have a new and powerful way to make life better, to move karma to grace, to heal and enliven.

Meditation and dreams are two excellent ways to get in touch with the oneness of consciousness and life.


  1. Loved what you have told here, because it is not before lately, of having truly become aware
    of everything am doing will gi a effect upon something else both unseen and seen.
    Wonders if the human body oftentimes knows on forehand what`ll happenM; because have experienced several times a bodily reaction BEFORE the reaction of the mind.
    It is almost the same as when the animals sense dangers long ahead of time before a human does it.
    Is it because the bodily reaction is biological and connected to the same biology as in the earth? Or, is it the same as the unseen sensory system at work, and
    the ordinary awaken consciousness of the brain cannot sense the same things?

  2. Isn't it both the body's connection with the biology of the Earth AND the unseen sensory system that gives off the signal before the mind is aware?

  3. Looking for something yesterday and found this quote.

    "As has been indicated by some, ye are part and parcel of a universal consciousness or God - and thus all that is within the universal consciousness, or the universal awareness; as the stars, the planets, the sun, the moon. Do ye rule them or they rule thee? They were made for thy own use, as an individual - yea, that is the part, the thought of thy maker, the Father - God thinks of thee." 2794-3

  4. this is a good example of why choosing to perform the fruits of the spirit, no matter what is in the mind, is the better way, i know i should have my thougts agree but sometimes its a choice teh lower self wants to respond in one way, the higher wants to respond in the other way, i know thoughts are things. yet i think the actions are more important. others need to know i/we have made a choice, the choice of the higher mind and acted accordingly becasue i feel we have to teach by example the old way of do what i say not what i do wont work anymore we have to show the way by living it as HE did

  5. just to add to my last comment, how many times ahve we been in a situation and heard someone say, "if someone did that to me id do this or that" they are counseling me to go for karma eye for an eye, i have to decide to go with grace to show it can be done and peace will come from that decision. this is why i see so much of what goes on in the world as people still choosing karma over grace. when grace gets in us and becomes a part of us it gets easier because the outer world will tell me im stupid or worse, the comfort ahs to cme form inside or those unseen forces.

  6. Amen to that! Karma is the "habit pattern" for most souls. It's become ingrained in them and is their first impulse. When they tire of this, they engage their minds and wills, and attempt to temper their impulses. Then the light breaks through a little, and the shadows fall away. Grace comes! This often feels so good to them, that they begin practicing all of the fruits of the Spirit, and we have new seeker!
