Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cayce's Passage in Consciousness Technique

Another technique described in Cayce's discourses is my favorite. I call it, "Passage in Consciousness," because of an instruction Cayce gave to a few students practicing this type of meditation. They were reaching a level in their meditations at which they had out-of-body experiences. When they got a follow-up reading from Cayce, he told them that they wouldn't be able to go as high or as deep in their meditations using out-of-body movement; rather, they needed to "make passage through dimensions of consciousness." In this technique Cayce also required that we use our "imaginative forces" in order to reach beyond the realities we know. For example, if we are going to reach beyond our finite individualness, we are going to have to image the transition to infinite universalness and the nature of that state when we get there. If we are going to move into God's presence, God's consciousness, we are going to have to image how that feels. Here are the steps to this technique: 1. Sit or lie down comfortably; 2. image yourself removing "your earthly portion and your personality," feel these moving out of your body, leaving it lighter and open; 3. image yourself "subjugating" control of your system to your subconscious mind and your autonomic nervous system (the system through which our chakras, lotuses, and souls operate); 4. give your subconscious a powerful suggestion that moves you out of your present state of being and consciousness into an infinite, universal condition within the consciousness of God, the Creator of the universe and all within it; 5. you should image yourself rising and expanding out of your present state into an infinite state; 6. when you have the slightest sense of the Infinite Presence, connect with It firming, plug into It, hold onto It; 7. now become completely receptive, allowing the Infinite to flow into your finiteness, until the two become one; Cayce encourages us to use this phrase: "Not my will, but Thy will"; 8. abide here until the meditation is feels it is concluding; 9. now you must rebalance your body and mind for normal functioning in this world, this dimension - but bring with you the vibrations and awareness you had while in the Infinite Presence.


  1. AS I started investigating my meditation experiences and techniques against those described in this post, a light came on when I read about the small group that EC worked with who were having out-of-body experiences while in meditation. My experiences are similar, and I switch from conscious control to subconscious control with full awareness during most meditations and awakening from my dreams. I have determined this to be so because I can observe my body functions – deep breathing, snoring, etc., can will myself to other places, observe my dreams and have had visits from other entities during these times. [Note: The difference between my conscious mind and the subconscious mind at this time is nearly imperceptible – at least to me – I am wide awake and alert and aware of my surroundings. This is different than my dream state.]
    I meditate most often at 2am and have started this past week using my imagination more purposefully during my meditations. I use breathing patterns similar to those described in the Life Force and Meditation post or the Magic of the Silence post. The BE STILL portion of the Magic of the Silence technique lends itself to setting aside of my outer self/body and KNOW GOD provides me with putting my inner self in control. I am very careful to surround myself with the Christ Spirit for protection.
    I fall short when it comes to “expanding out of my present state to an infinite state” – making a timely suggestion with purpose and desire. I will work on this step with greater resolve and report my progress and successes.
    John, I appreciate your efforts and the opportunities these meditation techniques provide me to improve my soul’s development and to be of greater service of His will and fruits.

  2. John,

    At the retreat in WV where you spoke last weekend as well as in the above you shorten the steps for P. in C. meditation from what I've seen you teach over the years. Although I've just been doing the shortened form (no exercises etc.) for a few days, I find it very helpful. The many, many steps I had been doing seemed to provide more opportunities for distractions. This new method also provides more time in the spirit. Despite shortening the process, I'm still able to do more than an hour at night. However, I always start with a prayer of protection. I think this shorter form may prove of interest to my study group; many of whom were at the retreat.

    Question please--I seem to remember your aying that in meditation, go thru Jesus. Have I got
    that right? If so, what does it mean?


