Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Life Force and Meditation

Normally during an incarnation, the life force flows mostly through the lower chakras. But as we use the life force for higher purposes - such as creativity, imagination, higher thinking, speech, higher listening and seeing (as in Jesus’ statements, “those who have ears to hear, let them hear….”, as in Matthew 13:9), we raise the life force. It becomes dynamic, increasing vitality and creativity. Cayce identified the four lower chakras (the root, navel, solar plexus, and heart) as the earth within us, and the three upper chakras (throat, third eye, and crown) as the heaven within us. Meditation is one of the best practices for raising the life force. Special breathing patterns are among the best meditative techniques for raising the life force during meditation. A simple but most effective breathing pattern is the Taoist (pronounced dow-ist) “Circulation of the Light.” During every inhalation one is to imagine and feel the energy being drawn up the torso from the lower chakras, through all the chakras, to the top of the head. Then, imagine and feel it unite with the Infinite Breath of Life that was breathed into us in Genesis 2:7. Then, with every exhalation, imagine and feel this Divinely enhanced energy bathe the chakras - all the way down to the lowest one at the base of the torso. One continues this circulation - raising the life force up along the spinal column to the top of the head, receiving the Infinite Life Force, then bathing the body as it flows down through the body - until you feel the energy and vibrations of the body have been raised. Then, raise the mind in a similar manner; using uplifting phrases, mantras, or little prayers, until you feel the little mind of self is united with the Infinite mind of the Creator. Another breathing technique is Cayce’s alternate nostril breathing. It begins by taking in three deep breaths (inhalations) through the right nostril and feeling strength as you do this. With each of these breaths we are to exhale through the mouth, slowly and steadily (with practice this becomes easy). Next we take in three deep breaths through the left nostril, feeling ourselves opening to the Infinite, Divine Forces of Life within us. With each of these breaths we do not exhale through the mouth, but through the right nostril, slowly and steadily. The first three breaths will feel like they are more focused in the torso, the second three breaths will feel like they are focused within the head. Raising the life force is good but it is also problematic in the sense that we now have more energy. This energy must be used. Ideally, it will be used in creative, life enhancing ways. One must be mindful of this raised energy, because there is only one energy, which may manifest in many ways. For example, the raised life force may cause us to feel heightened sexual energy, tempermental energy, agressive energy, which must be channeled properly. Heightened energy can become dynamic physical energy for activities that burn up energy or for creativity that expresses the energy through arts, music, skill-based activity, caring for others, lifting others to higher levels of hope and life-purposefulness. Just be mindful that you have more of the life force awakened and looking to flow through you. You must find the better outlets.


  1. AS I started investigating my meditation experiences and techniques against those described in this post, a light came on when I read about the small group that EC worked with who were having out-of-body experiences while in meditation. My experiences are similar, and I switch from conscious control to subconscious control with full awareness during most meditations and awakening from my dreams. I have determined this to be so because I can observe my body functions – deep breathing, snoring, etc., can will myself to other places, observe my dreams and have had visits from other entities during these times. [Note: The difference between my conscious mind and the subconscious mind at this time is nearly imperceptible – at least to me – I am wide awake and alert and aware of my surroundings. This is different than my dream state.]
    I meditate most often at 2am and have started this past week using my imagination more purposefully during my meditations. I use breathing patterns similar to those described in the Life Force and Meditation post or the Magic of the Silence post. The BE STILL portion of the Magic of the Silence technique lends itself to setting aside of my outer self/body and KNOW GOD provides me with putting my inner self in control. I am very careful to surround myself with the Christ Spirit for protection.
    I fall short when it comes to “expanding out of my present state to an infinite state” – making a timely suggestion with purpose and desire. I will work on this step with greater resolve and report my progress and successes.
    John, I appreciate your efforts and the opportunities these meditation techniques provide me to improve my soul’s development and to be of greater service of His will and fruits.

  2. I meant the above comment to be posted on "Cayce's Passage in Consciousness Technique." Sorry... FTM

  3. FTM - I am so glad you've joined us. I did 2 a.m. meditations for years, but haven't done them in several years - due mostly to my work and travel load. But I found them so helpful in a very ethereal way. Thanks for sharing. Your consciousness states and awarenesses are very interesting. I very much look forward to your updates.

  4. hi john
    i think this is the proper place to post this, yes im very much aware of the increase of all types of energy when coming back to the body after a good meditation. the teptation to use it selfishly is there i conciously try to draw it up to the higher chakras, using the breating techniques that i used to go into meditation. does that sound right to you?

    also i took the audio portion of the meditation from your dvd set and mostly use it when i meditate instead of concentrating on each of the seven chakras in succession. up till this week when i got to teh be still and know god id feel the most powerful part of god above me or outside of me, now i feel it entering me, it does not feel scary it feel good and peaceful. i guess everyones experience is different id think that id feel myself leaving maybe this is a step in my development. at times i lose conciousness and enter a dream state or ive left my body and see people and places even have precognitive experiences. yet im still just going with the flow, should i be trying to direct the meditaion or just let it go with the flow, is the ideal of knowing god the actual director at that point?
